PLAY! A Festival of Arts and Technology
March 23-24, 2012 At: MADCAP Theaters Mill Ave. District, Downtown Tempe “A treat for your
March 23-24, 2012 At: MADCAP Theaters Mill Ave. District, Downtown Tempe “A treat for your
Groovology – An interactive rhythm game. Groovology is a skill-based game where people compete against
Interactive installation creating image and sound based on individual personality.
Radio Healer – a cross-cultural music, dance and technology collaboration. A past urbanSTEW supported project.
Phoenix Fringe Festival – Interactive Arts Showcase Curated interactive artworks by local Phoenix Artists. urbanSTEW partnered
Performance art and dance piece- Case Study was a nonlinear narrative in which two
Mobile phone application supporting the rehearsal process. Rehearsal assistant can be downloaded on the Android